Friday, May 18, 2007

12 May

Again, I don't have email access sometimes, especially on the weekends or if I don't have my laptop, so sorry this is late. Saturdays here, as I've said, are pretty lazy. On this one, we all woke up late after having been to a student concert last night. Last night, Amy, Ben, Stephen, and I went to this concert - a student band called "Skalena Treska"...which is something to do with a type of fish. It's a ska band, so lots of fun and dancing. They played some of their own songs, both in Czech and English and some familiar ones too. There was a particularly touching moment when the four of us were singing a ska version of "Happy Together." Ha! ;-) Anyway, it was a good time and we left around 11:30 to catch the last regular bus home...night buses start after midnight and don't come very frequently. We waited at the bus stop for about 10 minutes with a growing crowd and then Stephen left to go to the bathroom. Then the bus came. I wasn't sure if he was back from his ...venture into the woods, so I debated whether to get on the bus or not. I got on, looked around, asked a few people if they'd seen him and finally decided to get off and wait. As the bus closed its doors and drove on, I saw him waving from the back of the bus, looking really confused! The first night bus came at 1:10...almost an hour and a half, I headed back to the concert/pub and made myself comfortable, playing "table football" and re-telling the story to students, who thought it was pretty ridiculous! The first thing that crossed my mind at the moment I realized I had such a long wait for another bus was...Well, I guess I'll have to drive home! But wait! That's not an option! This was one of the few times I wished I had a car here! most of the time, public transportation is fantastic! Think of all the money you save! You can get anywhere in the city and a three-month pass costs about...65 dollars. Compared to a car payment, insurance, and gas, it's a STEAL! Plus, if you DO have a car here, there's a really good chance it will get stolen. ;-) To wrap this up, I did end up getting home early, splitting a taxi with 2 students who were taking one anyway. Fun night!
Tonight, we are making homemade Mexican food!I'm finally trying out the "robot" to make fresh salsa and even homemade tortillas (recipe courtesy of my friend Marianne in Cheb).


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